6 Essential Groups Stakeholder Map Cover shot

100% FREE Stakeholder Map Infographic:

Discover the 6 essential stakeholder groups that you must work with as you build your conscious business and your legacy

Conscious Capitalism is all about fulfilling purpose without sacrificing profits:

This is harder today than it has ever been - but even more powerful!

Conscious Capitalism is a business philosophy that embraces a long-term view to creating value for all stakeholders that goes beyond increasing short-term company profits.

And to do that, a business needs to create value with and for its various stakeholders (customers, employees, vendors, investors, communities, etc.).

This infographic brings this principle to life!

What you'll learn inside:

  • The 6 vital groups of people for any conscious business (there could be more or less for your unique organization. These will be a good starting point)
  • The "how to" of approaching new ways of working with and creating value for these stakeholders
  • 4 BONUS groups (food for thought on how they fit into your organization)
 Go beyond increasing short-term company profits and discover the long-term gains that come with running your business the conscious way. See for yourself by grabbing this free tool and taking the next steps!

Learn More by Downloading the Free Infographic Now