

Your One-Page Strategic Plan is below and in your inbox. Watch the video below, download your OPSP, and get your team aligned with Scaling Up!

Step 1:

Watch the video above and download your OPSP document!


Step 2:

This is the first day of your 3-day Mini Scaling Up Series

Keep and eye on your inbox, because tomorrow I’m going to share how you can get the most out of the One-Page Strategic Plan by pairing it with a set of habits that are over 100 years old, and have helped companies like Standard Oil, AMMEX, and even Apple scale to new heights.



Congratulations on getting your One-Page Strategic Plan!

The OPSP helps set the foundation for aligning your team so you can scale without the stress.

We’ll be taking a deeper dive into how to implement the OPSP during the next 3 days.

So why is the One-Page Strategic Plan so important?

If you asked 10 employees what your company’s vision is for the rest of this year (and next), could they tell you? Or would you get 10 different answers?

If they can’t, or their answers don’t align, then I can almost guarantee your organization’s ability to scale is limited. Here’s why. Even if YOU have a clear vision of where you want your company to be in one, five or ten years from now, without a strategic plan that unites everyone, that vision is just a dream.

In order to achieve your company’s vision and scale without the stress, you need to be able to easily communicate a strategic plan to all your employees, so everyone can stay focused and aligned. This might be easy at first, but becomes significantly harder as your company grows.

Today’s volatile market only makes things more complex.

Which is why it’s more important than ever to get you and your team on the same page. And you can do that, literally, with the One-Page Strategic Plan.

The real power of the OPSP is it makes it easy for everyone in the company to know where they’re going and what they need to do to get there, without being bogged down by an overly complex business plan possibly riddled with unclear and even contradictory statements.

The OPSP is a succinct way to communicate your vision and action-oriented strategic plan to align every employee in your company.

A good One-Page Strategic Plan can help you achieve results like these because it brings better alignment, accountability, and execution in your organization.

To get started with the OPSP, make sure to see the video above.

What Executives and Entrepreneurs Are Saying About the Scaling Up Methodology:

Scott Farquhar
Co-Founder & CEO, Atlassian

Scaling up a significant business requires precisely the kind of discipline and focus detailed in Verne’s practical and ‘how-to’ driven book.

Sanjeev Mohanty
CEO, Benetton India

Verne’s tools and techniques have been key to scaling up Benetton to become the #1 international fashion brand in India. They work!

John Warrillow
Founder of The Sellability Score

“Scaling Up is a blueprint for building a growth company. Verne has pulled back the curtain on how the fastest-growing companies in the world fuel their growth. Scaling Up gives you an insider’s view into the most successful companies on earth.”

Patrick Lencioni
President of The Table Group

“Verne Harnish is more committed to helping companies grow than any other person on the planet. Really. He’s also radically practical in his approach and that is reflected throughout this terrific book.”

About Your Instructors


Verne Harnish

Verne, also known as “The Growth Guy”, is a CEO of Scaling Up and a Founder of EO (Entrepreneurs’ Organization). He’s been recognized by Fortune Small Business Magazine as “one of the top 10 Minds in Small Business”. Verne’s also the author of bestselling books: “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits”, “The Greatest Business Decisions Ever Made”, and “Scaling Up”.
Verne has spent the past three decades helping companies scale up, and in this special live training, he wants to share his 3 biggest secrets for saving jobs, increasing free cashflow, and increasing valuation - even during an economic downturn.

Daniel Marcos

Daniel Marcos is the co-founder and CEO of Growth Institute, the leading online executive education company for C-level executives at fast growing firms. He is a keynote speaker and a CEO Coach, with a mission to help 1 million entrepreneurs.
Daniel partnered with Verne in 2012 to bring executive training to the masses. What was once reserved for a small niche of wealthy companies is now available to all CEOs and their executive teams, effectively democratizing business education and shortening the gaps in professional development. 

Have questions about Scaling Up?

Book a time with a senior business strategist to see what Scaling Up can do for your bottom line.