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Find, Hire and Retain an A-Player team with Topgrading

Entire books, articles, and video tapes have been created on the 12 steps in this abbreviated Topgrading manual, but there is enough “meat” here for you to “get it,” and to enable you to immediately hire and promote better performers. But, we think you will probably want to do better than just “improve;” you probably want to achieve 90% success.


About the eBook

Our eBook includes the 12 steps you need to know to improve your hiring success by 3x!


A sample of what's included in this 12-step eBook

Business-and-finance icons created by Prosymbols - Flaticon

The astronomical cost of a mis-hire and how to avoid!

Question icons created by Prosymbols - Flaticon

How Conduct Interviews Today


Coaching and engaging your new hires

Seo-and-web icons created by Prosymbols - Flaticon

Measuring your hiring and performance success

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