
Mastering the Complex Sale Business Course

Re-Engineer Your Complex Sale Process To Create Predictable And Profitable Growth In Just 8 Weeks.

Starting on October 11th!
Join now and get immediate access to the content and tools!

Companies Successfully Mastering The Complex Sale
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"Jeff Thull's process plays a key role in helping companies, and their customers cross chasms with disruptive innovations and succeed with game-changing initiatives."

- Geoffrey A. Moore, author of Crossing the Chasm and Dealing With Darwin



Embrace A Robust Method To Effectively Close Real Business!

The complex sale is a massive process that hinges on multiple stakeholders and waves of information coming at you from all directions.

It's a high-risk situation for both sides of the table - sellers and customers included.

In today's marketplace, your success demands an  exceptional sales strategy and precise execution that clearly sets you apart from the competition.

In this online sales course, renowned sales strategist and bestselling author Jeff Thull will guide you through the process of building this strategy - and ensuring its optimal execution.

You'll go way beyond perfecting your complex sales strategy.

By the end of this course, your team will have mastered the decision process behind why your customers really buy and paved the path to more profitable growth!

With this sales course, you won't be mastering this methodology alone. You'll be working and learning side-by-side with like-minded CEOs, sales leaders, sales professionals, and their teams! Having this additional community and support (both internally and externally) will give you an advantage no other online training can offer.

We will give you an environment of support, guidance, mentoring, coaching, collaboration, teamwork, peer support, and a whole lot more so you are fully equipped to thrive during your implementation! Over the next 8 weeks, you and your team will tackle the sales challenges most critical for your organization, and learn as part of a community of executives!

Enroll Today

A proven, thoroughly tested toolkit to build your playbook
and Master the Complex Sale

The sales process in this course focuses on identifying and quantifying value. Your goal is to create as much value for the customer as possible. You do this through four stages of diagnostic conversations:



Research and build a solid foundation on which to engage customer executives in trusting and mutually long-term relationship.



Guide your customer through a quality decision process to identify and understand their unique challenges and determine with them the cost of not changing.



Collaborate with customers to create the optimal solution together and quantify the value to be achieved, making your solution the compelling option.



Your customer now has enough information to reinforce their own decisions and accept your solution. Now you deliver on their expectation and verify with them the value is being achieved.

By the end of this program, you can expect to...

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Build a uniform sales, marketing and management process

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Gain control and confidence by building trust and credibility 


Set up a high-quality pipeline of larger-sized deals

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Avoid getting commoditized under relentless price pressure

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Get executive and senior-level access with concise diagnostics


Shorten your sales cycle and increase your conversion rates

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Skillfully leverage the full value of your solution to prospects


Pave the way to more predictable and profitable sales growth


Mastering The Complex Sales Begins Here

There are three options to get yourself (and your team) enrolled and to start implementing Masterng The Complex Sale
Option comes with
Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors
Single Seat: Coached Course
1 Leader Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors
Team Seat: Coached Course
3 Leaders ($1,350 per additional user) Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors
MBD All-Access
5 Leaders Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors
Mastering the complex Sale–Schedule January 2023

Over the next 8 weeks, you and your team will tackle the sales challenges most critical for your organization, and learn as part of a community of executives. Get an overview of this MBC with the course outline.


What are leaders saying about Mastering Complex Sales?

We Guarantee Your Results With The Hybrid Method of Learning

Our unique approach leaves nothing to chance. We will help you break through your "plateaus" so you can grow with less stress and drama. These four elements are essential to moving from incremental growth (or no growth at all): a proven framework, insight from industry leaders, peer support, and professional mentoring.

The 4-step integrated process that allows you to turn practice into results in real-time:

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Direct Learning from Jeff Thull

Get cutting-edge strategies from the thought leaders  –  not just a professional who teaches business theory. You get the learning directly from your coaches and avoid misinformation or a watered-down version.


Build Your System Toolkit Step-by-Step

You will receive tools to speed along your implementation quickly and easily. These tools are your roadmap to give you direction and get on track, as well as to help your team stay on track  –  easily  – almost like a step-by-step blueprint. These tools will help drive action for the duration of our time working together.

Weekly Live Group Coaching Sessions

With Jeff, you make a plan for exactly how to implement it. We don't leave you to plan on your own. You show up weekly for the group coaching sessions to get your specific questions answered and focus on the next steps for implementation. We'll show you what works so you don't fall back into bad habits.


Community Networking, Masterminding, & Peer Support

The community is built of other growth-minded leaders from companies around the world. You have the opportunity to connect and access a support system during the implementation process. The more you can collaborate with like-minded peers at your level with similar business problems, issues, and opportunities, the more your learning and action accelerated.

We use this same process, methodically, every single week  – and it's how we've helped thousands of companies in 70+ countries. This process is powerful and why we can say we have implementation rates of around 70%.

Entrepreneurs and business leaders who work with us not only understand "how" to make the changes needed in their companies, they are enabled to finally "make" the changes, step-by-step, rapidly, without faltering or losing steam.


Meet Your Guide

The verified Grandmaster of the Complex Sale, Jeff Thull, is a leading-edge strategist and valued advisor for executive teams of major companies and institutions worldwide. He is the author of three best-selling books for orchestrating the strategy, process, and execution of complex sales, including the highly-revised second edition of Mastering the Complex Sale.

As President and CEO of Prime Resource Group, Jeff has designed and implemented business transformation and professional development programs for major companies, including Shell, 3M, Microsoft, Citicorp, IBM, and many fast tracks, start-up companies.

Jeff is also a compelling, entertaining, and thought-provoking keynote speaker with a track record of over 3,500 keynotes and seminars delivered to corporations and professional associations worldwide.

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Mastering The Complex Sales Begins Here

There are three options to get yourself (and your team) enrolled and to start implementing Masterng The Complex Sale
Option comes with
Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors
Single Seat: Coached Course
1 Leader Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors
Team Seat: Coached Course
3 Leaders ($1,350 per additional user) Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors
MBD All-Access
5 Leaders Access for:
8 core modules
The complete Toolkit with guided implementation
8 live group coaching calls
A global community of peers
Access to the full library of Growth Institute courses and micro-trainings
Tailored curriculum, assessments, and growth paths for your whole team
Monthly & quarterly progress reporting and check-ins with a growth specialist
Exclusive access to live training with expert coaches, thought leaders, and authors

Your business-changing transformation begins with Mastering the Complex Sales and Value in the MBD All Access


Mastering the Complex Sales is included with an MBD All Access membership

Unlimited Access to all 100+ instructors • New classes added every month • Watch on desktop, mobile, or tablet

Create Impact And Equip Your Team With The Skills Needed To Scale

As an MBD All Access Member, you get access to Mastering The Complex Sale - plus extraordinary transformation for every dimension of your business. 

Growth Institute's complete curriculum of best-in-class programs, each powered by the world's best teachers, is accompanied by world-class tools and technology and a global community of growth-minded leaders ready to scale up!

The MBD All Access Program has helped 11,000 businesses achieve their growth goals by providing tailored course recommendations that have the support of over 80 thought leaders.

MBD All Access helps you build a reliable team that can confidently take on any challenge.
Dojo launch - Edge Banner

What's included in your MBD All-Access membership

Become an MBD All Access Member and get Growth Institute's entire learning platform at your fingertips. But that’s not all: you also get the clarity and tools to design a curriculum that’s hyper-personalized to your business and your team member's goals as a professional. This puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you the freedom and confidence that your team has what they need to succeed.


Personalized onboarding to tailor the curriculum to your team’s needs.

Access to all 13+ Master Business Courses (adding new programs every quarter)

The full library of 60+ Learning Suites in The Edge for your entire company.


Immersion in the global growth community of best-selling authors, business coaches, and leaders of scaleups.

Weekly live online sessions with authors and coaches to help implement new methodologies.

Growth Assessment to understand the biggest growth opportunities.


Monthly progress check-ins to review progress and update curriculum.

Quarterly progress reporting.

And So Much More!

What are leaders saying about MBD All Access


Do You Have Questions?

Send us an email to or book a FREE strategic call below for more information


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Get access to the entire program, go through everything, use it in your business, and if, at the end of going through the process for 30 days and 3 full live sessions, you decide it's not for you, let us know, and we'll give you a full refund. No Questions Asked. So, why not try and see how powerful this program can be for you, your team, and your business? You have the freedom to gain and nothing to lose.

Here's why we give this kind of guarantee:

You know that to succeed in anything in life, you have to commit. Everyone on your team must commit to getting your business to the next level. This is your chance to make a commitment that will create reverberating results for years to come.

If you truly want that next level, you will confidently take the steps you need to get there. We think you've got what it takes to get there. That's why we're offering you this outstanding one-time coaching and implementation package.

Trust us when we say we will not let you go without anything to show. We want YOU to be our testimonial. So enroll now and get started going through Module One, and you'll realize immediately you made a good investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit of seats per business?

This course is for leadership and their team. We encourage you to bring up as much of your team to this program.  We’ve seen the most spectacular results when the entire team signed up, so if you want to add more members of the organization, we are in full support. Just let us know! There’s no limit of seats per business. 
If you have eight or more individuals who you want involved, consider a customized, private course designed specifically for your business.

Is Growth Institute a University? Can I count the course towards university credits?

We are an official Corporate and Digital Learning Institution but not technically a university. We are regulated and accredited by an AdvancED. This means that we are audited by strict guidelines that ensure quality of learning. The Master Course is an accredited certificate program. It is not the equivalent of a University’s Degree. The acceptance of Master Courses as university credit would fully depend on the institution granting your degree.


What can I do if I miss the live sessions with the coach or author of the class?

All our live sessions with authors and coaches are recorded and available on your learning platform. You will find them following the same steps mentioned in the reminder you receive a few days before the live classes.
- I’ll be traveling/ busy during a lot of the live sessions and I’m concerned that I’ll fall behind. - 
If you will be traveling, you can always dial in from wherever you are. You don’t have to be suited up in the office to participate in the live sessions. If you are 100% sure that you will miss the class, you can still submit your question/ challenge/ feedback and we’ll discuss it during the workshop or mastermind. As mentioned above, you’ll get the recordings of all the live sessions to keep for 12 months after the course end date. 

What if I'm not satisfied with the course? What is your refund policy?

Get access to the entire program , go through everything, use it in your business, and if at the end of going through the process for 30 days and 3 full live sessions, you decide it’s not for you, let us know and we'll give you a full refund. No Questions Asked. So, why not simply give it a try and see for yourself how powerful this program can be for you, your team, and your business. You have freedom to gain and nothing to lose.

Here’s why we give this kind of guarantee:

You know that to succeed in anything in life you have to commit. To get your business to the next level everyone on your team also needs to commit. This is your chance to make a commitment that will create reverberations and results for years to come.

If you truly want that next level, you will confidently take the steps you need to get there. We think you’ve got what it takes. That's why we're offering this outstanding one-time coaching and implementation package to you.

Trust us when we say we will not let you go without anything to show. We want YOU to be our testimonial. So enroll now and get started going through Module One and you'll realize immediately you made a good investment.